Subhashitani 1 सुभाषितानि १
Satyajeet Bhawan:
अग्निशेषमृणशेषं शत्रुशेषं तथैव च |
पुन: पुन: प्रवर्धेत तस्माच्शेषं न कारयेत् ||
If a fire, a loan, or an enemy continues to exist even to a small extent, it will grow again and again; so do not let any one of it continue to exist even to a small extent. यदि कोई आग, एक ऋण, या एक शत्रु अस्तित्व ही रहेगी को भी एक छोटी-सी सीमा तक, इससे बार-बार बढ़ने; अत: ऐसा न होने दीजिए यह किसी एक के अस्तित्व को जारी करने के लिए भी एक छोटी-सी हद तक ।
पृथिव्यां त्रीणि रत्नानि जलमन्नं सुभाषितम् |
मूढै: पाषाणखण्डेषु रत्नसंज्ञा प्रदीयते ||
There are three jewels on earth: water, food, and adages. Fools, however, regard pieces of rocks as jewels.
नाभिषेको न संस्कार: सिंहस्य क्रियते मृगैः |
विक्रमार्जितराज्यस्य स्वयमेव मृगेंद्रता ||
Animals do not coronate a lion through sprinkling holy water on him and conducting certain rituals. He assumes kingship (effortlessly) through his own prowess. पशु coronate नहीं माध्यम से एक शेर छिड़काव पवित्र जल को कतिपय कर्मकांड और उनके संचालन । उन्होंने कार्यभार राजत्व (सरलता से) अपने कौशल माध्यम से ।
वनानि दहतो वन्हेस्सखा भवति मारूत: |
स एव दीपनाशाय कृशे कस्यास्ति सौहॄदम् ||
When a fire is burning a forest, wind becomes its friend. The same wind extinguishes a small flame. Who holds friendship with the weak? जब एक आग जलाने का एक वन, पवन हो जाती है उसके मित्र है । बुझा हवा के साथ एक छोटी-सी ज्वाला । धारण करता है, जो दोस्ती की कमजोर है?
विद्या विवादाय धनं मदाय शक्ति: परेषां परिपीडनाय |
खलस्य साधोर्विपरीतमेतज्ज्ञानाय दानाय च रक्षणाय ||
A bad person uses his knowledge for (empty) argumentations, his wealth for egotistic actions, and his power for harming others. The opposite is true concerning a good person: He uses his knowledge, wealth, and power for providing to others knowledge, financial help, and protection, respectively. एक खराब व्यक्ति अपने ज्ञान कामों के लिए (खाली) argumentations, अपनी संपदा से अहंकारी कार्यों के लिए बिजली पहुंचा और उनके अन्य है । विपरीत यह सच के बारे में एक अच्छा व्यक्ति: उन्होंने उपयोगों अपने ज्ञान, संपत्ति, और शक्ति को उपलब्ध कराने के लिए अन्य २ाान, वित्तीय सहायता और संरख्रण, क्रमश:
दुर्बलस्य बलं राजा, बालानां रोदनं बलम् |
बलं मूर्खस्य मौनित्वं चौराणामनृतं बलम् ||
A king forms the strength of the weak; crying forms the strength of a child. Keeping mum forms the strength of a fool; lying forms the strength of thieves. राजा की ताकत का रूपों की कमजोर; रो रूपों की ताकत का एक बालक था । बात-चीत रूपों को ध्यान की ताकत का एक मूर्ख बनाना; पड़े रूपों की ताकत का चोरों का ।
अश्वं नैव गजं नैव व्याघ्रं नैव च नैव च |
अजापुत्रं बलिं दद्याद्देवो दुर्बलघातक: ||
Not a horse, not an elephant, not a tiger is ever offered as a sacrifice at an altar. It is a baby goat which is offered as a sacrifice. (Alas!) God does not protect the weak. घोड़े नहीं, न हाथी पर कभी नहीं है एक बाघ की पेशकश की बलि के रूप में एक वेदी । यह एक शिशु बकरी के रूप में, जो कि पेशकश की बलि । (ओह!) ईश्वर की रक्षा के लिए नहीं कमजोर हो जाती है |
अष्टादशपुराणानां सारं व्यासेन कीर्तितम् |
परोपकार: पुण्याय पापाय परपीडनम् ||
In all the 18 'Puranas' Shri. Vyaasa Maharshi has told only two gospels: Doing favour to others is 'Punya' and troubling others is 'Paapa' (Sin)!!
हिमालयं समारभ्य यावत् इंदु सरेावरम् |
तं देवनिर्मितं देशं हिंदुस्थानं प्रचक्षते ||
Starting from Himalayas and extending upto Indu sarovaram (Indian Ocean) is the nation created by God which is known as 'Hindusthan'. Himalayan ranges including Hindukush parvat on Western side and the ranges extending upto North Myanmar ( Brahmadesh) on the Eastern side formed the Northern Boundary of ancient Hindusthan. This land extended upto the Indian Ocean on the Southern side. This is the sacred land where God took Birth from time to time and recreated and established the social structure.
एत_ेश प्रसूतस्य सकाशादग्रजन्मना |
स्वं स्वं चरित्रं शिक्षेरन् पॄथिव्यां सर्वमानवा: ||
All the people over the earth (Pruthiwyam Sarvamanavaha) should take lessons about living and building their characters from the ancestors (Rishis and Saints) (Agrajanmanaha) who took birth in this land, Nation. (Etaddesh prasootasya) The Hindu culture and heritage is the greatest of it's kind in this world and has power to lead and show right path to the whole world.
अयं निज: परो वेति गणना लघुचेतसाम् |
उदारचरितानां तु वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् ||
Consideration like "he is mine or he is another's" occur only to the narrow minded persons. To the broad-minded persons the whole world is a family.
क्षणश: कणश्चैव विद्याम् अर्थं च साधयेत् |
क्षणे नष्टे कुतो विद्या , कणे नष्टे कुतो धनम् ||
Every moment one should learn, from every bit one should earn. If you waste a second (kshan) you can't get knowledge (vidya) and if you waste a bit (kan) u can't get money (artham)
अश्वस्य भूषणं वेगो मत्तं स्याद् गजभूषणं |
चातुर्यम् भूषणं नाया- उद्योगो नरभूषणं ||
Speed is the glory of Horse (Ashwa) . The majestic walk is the glory of elephant (Gaja) Being wise ('Chatur') is an asset to women (Naarya) and always being engaged in some work (Udyogo) suits the man.
क्षुध् तृट् आशा: कुटुम्बिन्यो मयि जीवति न अन्यगा: |
तासाम् आशा महासाध्वी कदाचित् मां न मुञ्चति ||
क्षुत्तृडाशा: कुटुम्बिन्यो मयि जीवति नान्यगा: |
तासामाशा महासाध्वी कदाचिन्मां न मुञ्चति ||
Hunger, Thirst (Trut) and desire (Aasha) are like man's three wives. Until he is alive these three will never leave him or go else where. In comparison of the three, desire (Aasha) is a 'MahaSaadhvi' because it NEVER EVER leaves the man. Unlike hunger and thirst which disappear for some time after eating /drinking, desire is the thing which never disappears from man's mind!!
कुलस्यार्थे त्यजेदेकं ग्रामस्यार्थे कुलं त्यजेत् |
ग्रामं जनपदस्यार्थे आत्मार्थे पृथिवीं त्यजेत् ||
One should sacrifice one's self-interest for the sake of one's family, one's family for the sake of one's town members, one's town members for for the sake of one's nation, and sacrifice the whole earth for the sake of one's soul's enlightenment.
नाक्षरं मंत्ररहीतं नमूलंनौषधिम् |
अयोग्य पुरुषं नास्ति योजकस्तत्रदुर्लभ: ||
There is no letter which is not a mantra(which cant be used in mantra), there is no root, which can't form some medicine, there is no person who is absolutely useless. But persons who can identify their utility and put them in proper usage are rare.
धारणाद्धर्ममित्याहु: धर्मो धारयते प्रजा: |
यस्याद्धारणसंयुक्तं स धर्म इति निश्चय: ||
The word "dharma" is derived from verb "dhaaraNa". it is "dharma" which holds society together. Hence if something is able to hold people together, no doubt it is dharma.
आहारनिद्राभयमैथुनं च सामान्यमेतत् पशुभिर्नराणाम् |
धर्मो हि तेषाम् अधिकोविशेषो धर्मेण हीना: पशुभि: समाना: ||
Eating (or things needed for survival), sleep, fear from somebody and sex life (for reproduction), these habits are common between human beings and animals. (in this respect we cant differentiate between man and animal). it is "dharma" which is additional important quality of man, without which he is same as an animal. ( read dharma as per subhashita 17.)
न वा अरे मैत्रेयी पत्यु: कामाय पति: प्रियो भवति |
आत्मनस्तु कामाय पति: प्रियो भवति ||
O Maitreyi! Man is not loved (by his wife) because he is husband, but because of the 'Atma' (Soul) in him.
सत्यस्य वचनं श्रेय: सत्यादपि हितं वदेत् |
यद्भूतहितमत्यन्तं एतत् सत्यं मतं मम ||
Telling truth is recommended, but more than that, tell those things which are in interest of all. According to me (nArada here) thing which is beneficial to large community, is truth.
न राज्यं न राजाऽसीन्न दण्डयो न च दाण्डिक: |
धर्मेणैव प्रजास्सर्वा रक्षन्ति स्म परस्परम् ||
There is no kingdom nor any king! No criminal nor any judge to give the penalty to the criminal!! All the people protect each other by the virtue of Dharma (The meaning of Dharma being explained in Subhaashita No.17). This is a 'varnan' of an 'Aadarsha' samaj !! A samaj which is a 'live' samaj in which each and every individual lives completely up to his responsibility!! Only a samaj which will be made up of such 'ideal' individuals can 'realise' the above subhaashita!! One example is worth mentioning. If the number of social service organisations such as orphanages, child care centres etc. keep growing then is it a healthy sign of progress of society or not?? Infact such institutions will come up because the relatives or neighbours may have failed to do their Dharma!! this is told by Bhishmacharya to Yudhisthir in shantiparva (after mahabharat war). while he was lying on "sharapanjari" waiting for bed. Bhishmacharya is generally telling dharmaraja about hou good his rule should be. you may have noticed that the subhashit is in past tans. this situation (praja dharmeNaiva parasparm rakshanti sma) was there in India long back. much before raja-praja system was introduced. to my knowledge ekshwaku was the first king (any body can correct me if i'm wrong.)
सत्यं ब्रुयात् प्रियम् ब्रुयान्नब्रुयात् सत्यमप्रियम् |
प्रियम् च नानॄतम् ब्रुयादेष: धर्म: सनातन: ||
speak true, speak what is pleasant to others. don't tell truth which is not pleasant (which is harmful) (similarly) even though pleasant, don't speak false, this is Darmah You will find this "eshah dharmah sanatanah" in many subgashitas normally this is kept at the end. to emphasize on what poet is trying to say. other such part is "iti smrtah", "iti nishchayah" etc.
अपि स्वर्णमयी लंका न मे रोचति लक्ष्मण |
जननी जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी ||
Lakshman, This Golden Lanka does not allure me. Mother and Motherland is dearer to me even than heaven. This 'Shloka' is from the conversation between Lord Shree Ram and Lakshmana in 'Valmiki Ramayana'. It is very appropriate to remember the shloka on the occasion of Vijayadashami. Over six thousand years ago, after the great Victory over Ravana, on the day of Vijayadashami, Lord Shree Ram tells Lakshmana that He was not interested in the wealth of Lanka and did never want to rule Lanka. He would rather go back to His Motherland. Later 'Vibheeshana' was made the king of Lanka.
मरणान्तानि वैराणि निवॄत्तं न: प्रयोजनम् |
क्रीयतामस्य संस्कारो ममापेष्य यथा तव ||
Enmity ends with death. our job is over. (Now) he(rAvaNa) is mine as he is yours. so do his cremation properly. These are sentences of ShriRAma after the death of rAvaNa on vijayA dashami. this reflects our sanskriti. As rAvaNa was dead, his brother bibhishan was hesitating for cremation. According to him rAvaNa's body was not worthy of proper treatment. to this our shrirAma says, now that he is dead, he is not our enemy and deserves proper sanskara. compare this against how Mongol (or in general muslim) invaders trreated with bodies of our kings.
काव्यशास्त्रविनोदेन कालो गच्छति धीमताम् |
व्यसनेन च मूर्खाणां निद्रया कलहेन वा ||
A intelligent ('buddhiman') man spends his time in the research and studies of literature ('Kaavya') and philosophy ('Shastras' like Veda Shastra, dharma shastra etc.). Or in other words the said subjects are means of his entertainment (He gets satisfaction due to the studies of 'kaavya' and philosophy). In contrast a unintelligent ('Murkha') man gets satisfaction in bad habits like sleep (Laziness), quarrel or some type of addiction. Tatparya (Conclusion): In this subhaashita the subhaashitkar has in short advised the reader that how should one spend his/her time!! May be according to him a 'buddhiman' is a person who invests his time in order to get some thing 'valuable' and long lasting!!
तैलाद् रक्षेत् जलाद् रक्षेत् रक्षेत् शिथिल बंधनात |
मूर्ख हस्ते न दातव्यं एवं वदति पुस्तकम् ||
A book says: Protect me from oil (Oily products which leave a mark on the page); Protect me from water; Also protect me from the loose binding; And after doing all this please do not hand me over to a 'Murkha' (unintelligent) person!!
श्रोत्रं श्रुतेनैव न कुण्डलेन दानेन पाणिर्न तु कंकणेन |
विभाति काय: करूणापराणाम् परोपकारैर्न तु चंदनेन ||
The ears of a 'sajjan' (Honest/Good) person looks more good and pleasant hearing some knowledge ('Vidya') and not by the ear-rings ('Kundal'). Donating something more suites the hand than the bangles. Like wise the body of a 'sajjan' person more suites by doing favours on others ('paropkar') than application of sandalwood's cream to itself.
भाषासु मुख्या मधुरा दिव्या गीर्वाणभारती |
तस्यां हि काव्यम् मधुरं तस्मादपि सुभाषितम् ||
Amongst languages, language of gods (girvANbharati - Sanskrit) is sweet, in that poetry is beautiful and still in that subhAshit.
उदारस्य तॄणं वित्तं शूरस्य मरणं तॄणं |
विरक्तस्य तॄणं भार्या निस्पॄहस्य तॄणं जगत् ||
For a generous person, money or wealth is insignificant (is equivalent to grass). For a brave person, death has no value (or it is no cause of worry). For a selfless (virakta) person, his family is insignificant. And for a person who has no desires (nispRha), this world is of no interest.
विद्वत्वं च नॄपत्वं च नैव तुल्यं कदाचन |
स्वदेशे पूज्यते राजा विद्वान् सर्वत्र पूज्यते ||
Ruler ship and learning is not comparable any time. king gets respect from his own country where as learned person gets it from everywhere.
दुर्जनेन समं सख्यं प्रीतिं चापि न कारयेत् |
उष्णो दहति चांगार: शीत: कॄष्णायते करम् ||
One should avoid friendship or warm relationship with wicked person. (like a coal). if hot (he) burns (your hands) if cold, (he) blackens (your) hands. (i.e. if he is bad to you, they will surely cause some problem to you, but even if he is good to you, contact alone will cause some problem).
द्राक्षा म्लानमुखी जाता शर्करा चाश्मतां गता |
सुभाषितरसस्याग्रे सुधा भीता दिवं गता ||
Here the poet describes the supremacy of Subhashitas. On this earth the RASA(implied meaning) of subhashitas is so sweet that the grapes felt ashamed (of its sweetness) and crestfallen. The sweeter sugar got hard (Ashma - stone ) and the sweetest AMRITA ( necter) pulled itself back to the heaven.
चिन्तनीया हि विपदां आदावेव प्रतिक्रिया |
न कूपखननं युक्तं प्रदीप्ते वन्हिना गॄहे ||
It is improper to start digging the well after the house has caught fire! We should be pro-active i.e. we should have the solutions ready even before some problem comes to us.
एकं विषरसं हन्ति शस्त्रेणैकश्च वध्यते |
सराष्ट्रं सप्रजं हन्ति राजानं मंत्रविप्लव: ||
Only one person dies due to the poison; By the weapons too only one living creature can die. But due to the incorrect decisions by the king, the king himself, the whole nation and it's citizens can die!! The learned and the intelligent readers can derive the significance of the above subhaashita and understand it's implications by looking back at our history, even in the past 50 years. No need to mention specifically the sufferings caused to the Kashmiri pandits in the Kashmir valley as the result of the decisions that were made!!!
आदित्यस्य नमस्कारं ये कुर्वन्ति दिने दिने |
जन्मान्तरसहस्रेषु दारिद्रयं नोपजायते ||
The people who bow down to the Sun (perform SUryanamaskArs)everyday, poverty does not arise intheir lives for thousands of births. (The people who are punctual in their duties like Sun, never become poor.)
ज्येष्ठत्वं जन्मना नैव गुणैर्ज्येष्ठत्वमुच्यते |
गुणात् गुरुत्वमायाति दुग्धं दधि घॄतं क्रमात् ||
Greatness is not by birth, greatness is decided by qualities (of a person). As it increases from milk to curd to ghee.
उद्यमेन हि सिध्यन्ति कार्यणि न मनोरथै: |
न हि सुप्तस्य सिंहस्य प्रविशन्ति मुखे मॄगा: ||
Any work will not get accomplished just merely by desiring for it’s completion. A ‘prey’ by itself doesn’t enter in to the sleeping lion’s mouth!!! By giving an example of a lion the subhashitkAra here wants to emphasize that the desire and capabilities should be added by the efforts and hard work to achieve the goal! Even if the lion has the capabilities to catch it’s prey, the prey will not automatically fall in it’s mouth!!
स्थानभ्रष्टा: न शोभते दन्ता: केशा नखा नरा: |
इति विज्ञाय मतिमान् स्वस्थानं न परित्यजेत् ||
it looks odd if teeth, hair, nails, and men are not at their proper place. knowing this, wise man never leaves his place (occupation). This subhaShitA suggests that every body should stick to his/her duty. Doing something else is not desirable.
उदये सविता रक्तो रक्त:श्चास्तमये तथा |
सम्पत्तौ च विपत्तौ च महतामेकरूपता ||
||| महाभारत
The sun looks alike while rising and setting. Great men too remain alike in both the good and bad times.
शान्तितुल्यं तपो नास्ति तोषान्न परमं सुखम् |
नास्ति तॄष्णापरो व्याधिर्न च धर्मो दयापर: ||
There is no achievement like peace (the word tapa might be used here to emphasize the efforts required to keep your mind peaceful.), there is no happiness like satisfaction, there is no disease like desire, there is no dharma like mercy.
सर्वोपनिषदो गाव: दोग्धा गोपालनंदन: |
पार्थो वत्स: सुधी: भोक्ता दुग्धं गीतामॄतं महत् ||
All Upanishads are (like)cows, Gopalnandana (Shrikrishna) is their keeper. Intelligent Partha (Arjun) is the calf who enjoys the milk and splendid GeetAmRit is the milk of these cows. (Geeta is the precise summary of all Upanishadas.)
हंस: श्वेतो बक: श्वेतो को भेदो बकहंसयो: |
नीरक्षीरविवेके तु हंस: हंसो बको बक: ||
It is said that, if one dilutes milk with water, and gives to swan, swan is able to extract milk and drink it. (dudh ka dudh pani ka pani) Swan is white, crane is (also) white. (then) what is the difference between crane and swan? when it comes to extracting milk from a mixture, swan is swan and crane is crane. i.e. crane does not have this ability. This subhashit is trying to explain that the external appearance does not make a person great but his qualities. It also explains that wise people precisely know what is useful and what is not.
काक: कॄष्णो पिक: कॄष्णो को भेदो काकपिकयो: |
वसंतसमये प्राप्ते काक: काक: पिक: पिक: ||
Crow is black, cuckoo bird is (also) black. What is the difference between crow and cuckoo bird ? (But) When spring arrives crow is crow and cuckoo bird is cuckoo bird. (With the advent of spring, cuckoo bird starts singing with its sweet voice, but crow does not have this ability.) This subhashit is exactly in lines with the previous subhashit.
अहं च त्वं च राजेन्द्र लोकनाथावुभावपि |
बहुव्रीहिरहं राजन् षष्ठीतत्पुरूषो भवान् ||
Oh! King; we both are 'LOKANATHA'. Only the difference is that I am 'bahuvrihi' ( the one whose guardians are people) and on the contrary you are 'Shashthipurush' ( the guardian of people i.e.ruler or king.)
सुलभा: पुरूषा: राजन् सततं प्रियवादिन: |
अप्रियस्य च सत्यस्य वक्ता श्रोता च दुर्लभ: ||
( This 'shlok' is from the conversation between Mahamantri Vidur and Dhritarashtra in Mahabharat. Vidur says,) Your Majesty, always good speaking people can be easily found. (But) a person speaking bitter (truth) and one who listens to him are both difficult to find.
दुर्जन: प्रियवादीति नैतद् विश्वासकारणम् |
मधुतिष्ठति जिव्हाग्रे हृदये तु हलाहलम् ||
Never believe a wicked person even if he is talking in (your) favor. There is honey on his toung’s tip (i.e. his language is sweet), but there is poison in his heart (i.e. his mind is full of wicked thoughts)
सर्पदुर्जनोर्मध्ये वरं सर्पो न दुर्जन: |
सर्प: दंशती कालेन दुर्जनस्तु पदे पदे ||
When it comes to comparison between a serpent and a wicked person, it is the serpent who is the better of the two. (Because,) a sperpent bites occasionally( very seldom). But, the wicked person stings(causes pain) at every step(always).
वरं एको गुणी पुत्रो न च मूर्खशतान्यपि |
एकश्चंद्रस्तमो हन्ति न च तारागणोऽपि च ||
It's better to have one good ('Gunvaan' is the exact word! i.e. the one who has many good qualities) son than to have 100 foolish ('Murkha') sons. The darkness is expelled by one single moon and not by the group of stars!!
कराग्रे वसते लक्ष्मी करमध्ये सरस्वती |
करमूले तु गोविन्द: प्रभाते करदर्शनम् ||
At the tip of the hand(fingers), is the abode of Goddess Lakshmi; in the center of the hand(the palm) stays Goddess Sarasvati. At the base of the hand(wrist), there is Lord Vishnu. Hence, in the morning, one should take a glimpse of his/her hands first. [We count money by the finger-tips. We write by holding the pen in our fingers and palm. All the work that we can do, is because of the wrists(Vishnu is the Lord of the Universe who governs its functioning). So, on waking up in the morning, one should have a "darshan" of his hands.]
विदेशेषु धनं विद्या व्यसनेषु धनं मति: |
परलोके धनं धर्म: शीलं सर्वत्र वै धनम् ||
Knowledge ('Vidya') is the real wealth, in a foreign land, So is Cleverness, at tough times. Righteousness ('Dharma') is the only wealth that can buy Heaven ('Par-lok'). Verily, Good Conduct ('Sheel') is the wealth everywhere and at all the times!
सत्यजीत ...
अर्थागमो नित्यमरोगिता च
प्रिया च भार्या प्रियवादिनी च ।
वशश्च पुत्रोऽर्थकरी च विद्या
षड्जीवलोकस्य सुखानि राजन् ॥
हे राजन् ! अर्थोपार्जन, अरोगित्व, अच्छी लगनेवाली और प्रिय बोलनेवाली पत्नी, अपने आधीन पुत्र, और अर्थकरी विद्या – ये छे जीवलोक के सुख है ।
अनुकूलां विमलाङ्गीं कुलीनां कुशलां सुशीला सम्पन्नाम् ।
पञ्चलकारां भार्यां पुरुषः पुण्योदयात् लभते ॥
अनुकूल, निर्मल, कुलीन, कुशल, और सुशील – ऐसे पाँच 'ल' कार वाली पत्नी, पुरुष के पुण्योदय होने पर हि मिलती है ।
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